
Then of course the moped. I know this may sound odd but it’s used exclusively for the annual OMCC Mopedathon which as my track day mate said at the end of his first one, “That’s the most fun I’ve ever had on two wheels at 30mph!”. He wasn’t wrong.

Essentially in the morning we go around a nadgery little track for three hours in one direction and in the afternoon three hours in the other direction. We do this in a team of four or five and do about twenty minutes each which is way more than enough.

These Mopedathons can cause more injuries than all the OMCC track days and airfield riding days put together.  They are full on.

For 2022 OMCC  are running two Mopedathons which is great as all the proceeds go to charity, the club picking up all the costs of running the events.

In 2021 the amount that was donated was £1800 each to British Psoriatic Arthritis ConsorTium (BritPACT) and Prostate Cancer UK .

Moped small
©2025 Chris & Hilary Drake